Oliver Preston left Lehman Brothers to become a full-time cartoonist in 1996. He was appointed the youngest Trustee of The Cartoon Art Trust in 1992, and founded and devised the first Cartoon Art Trust Awards held in 1995 at The Royal Society of Arts. He was appointed chairman of the Cartoon Art Trust in 2001, and founded London's first Museum of Cartoons in 2006.
In 1995 he attended the Heatherly School of Art for evening tuition, but is otherwise self-taught. Working from his studio in Gloucestershire, he uses a dip pen with Indian ink for his drawings, a combination of inks and gouache for colouring, and monochrome washes. His cartoons are derived from contemporary observations, and he is influenced by HM Bateman, Pont and Charles Addams.
Oliver’s cartoons have been published in The Times , The Guardian, The Daily Mail , The Daily Express, The Daily Mirror, The Field Magazine, Paris Match, The Spectator, and Punch magazine. He has drawn extensive private and corporate commissions and has exhibited widely. Dogs in Art is delighted to exhibit some of his very funny dog cartoons.